GE Healthcare CardEP User Manual
Cardep, Ge healthcare

Streamlined post-processing for
enhanced electrophysiology procedures.
GE Healthcare
CT cardiac exams provide critical information to practitioners of
cardiac therapy. Precise information pertaining to the left atrium’s
complex anatomy, the pulmonary veins, the coronary sinus, or the
cardiac veins has a major impact on the efficacy of subsequent
cardiac therapy: It can speed procedures and facilitate treatment.
But analyzing and reporting the wealth of information CT cardiac
studies provides can be time consuming. A program that
automates many routine functions and gives you tools to easily
quantify and qualify many aspects of cardiac function would
streamline your workflow and give you greater diagnostic
CardEP is integrated post processing
image analysis software for the
application of cardiovascular and
electrophysiology imaging on the AW
Workstation. With it, you can process
display, reformat, and analyze 2D or 3D
cardiac ST images for qualitative or
quantitative assessment of heart
anatomy and pulmonary veins from
single or multiple cardiac phase image
data sets.
Lets you visualize the
anatomical layout of the left
atrium and pulmonary vessels.
Lets you visualize the origins of
the pulmonary vessels.
Facilitates heart segmentation.
Helps you visualize and
quantify cardiac venous
Offers you a variety of 2D, 3D,
or reformatted protocols with
which to perform image
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