GE Healthcare LOGIQ C3 Premium User Manual
Ultrasound designed to fit your application, Logiq, C3 premium

GE Healthcare
Ultrasound designed
to fit your application
C3 Premium
With its streamlined design, ergonomics, and user-friendly operation, the LOGIQ* C3
Premium ultrasound system from GE Healthcare is well suited for clinics and hospitals
covering general imaging, OB/GYN, and cardiovascular applications. The system’s
size and weight make it easy to transport to the care area where it’s needed.
This highly capable black and white ultrasound system is designed to be affordable and
help enhance patient care quality. GE’s versatile TruScan* architecture delivers
exceptional ultrasound performance and makes virtual rescan possible. With
access to raw image data, you can annotate comments, measure and
optimize the image – even after the patient has left the exam room.
LOGIQ C3 Premium also incorporates many of GE Healthcare’s latest
technological innovations found on premium ultrasound systems,
including harmonics, CrossXBeam*, Speckle Reduction Imaging (SRI), B-Steer
and LOGIQview.
This can result in excellent image quality, fast image acquisition, and increased
efficiency. You can gain more diagnostic confidence from new technologies such
as Anatomical M-Mode (AMM), Auto Intima-Media Thickness (Auto IMT) and Tissue
Doppler Imaging (TDI) across a wide range of clinical applications.
Advanced transducer technology to help meet your clinical needs.