GE Healthcare AngioCARD User Manual
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Generate uniform, site-specific
Print or export reports in electronic
format with the AW CD/RW drive.
Include still images and movies in
your reports.
Archive reports in DICOM format so
they can be viewed outside the
AngioCARD application.
Predefined and customizable
descriptors enables the inclusion of
patient history, exam information,
acquisition techniques, stenosis
severity, findings, and impressions
for standardized, fast reporting.
Using AngioCARD in conjunction
with standard AW 3D visualization
tools lets you switch seamlessly
between reporting and viewing the
vascular exam.
Generate preliminary reports to
review and edit.
Window features buttons at the top
to guide you through report
generation sequentially.
Pre-defined, customizable exam
schematics to streamline your
reporting process even further.
Archive reports or print using a
postscript printer. Save PDF
versions to CDROM or save them as
HTML with embedded movies using
the Export option.
System Requirements
AW 4.2 or higher
All approved AW postscript printers
are compatible
Intended Use
AngioCARD is software designed to
facilitate vascular reporting and to
generate reports with schematics
and images for MR and CT vascular
studies for the referring physician.
AngioCard can import medical
images from a medical imaging
device and display them in a viewing
area on the workstation screen. The
software provides user customizable
tools to perform reporting on medical
images for MR and CT. Available tools
includes the selection of vascular
schematics to aid in the reporting
process. The result of the reporting
application are interpreted by the
physician and can be communicated
to referring physician. When interpret
by a trained physician this
application may be useful in
Regulatory Compliance
Complies with the European CE
Marking directive for Medical Devices
Degree of vessel stenosis is
automatically displayed on the
schematic after a severity
descriptor is selected from the
Findings window. Modify the
descriptors and save them in user
accounts for each reporting
Include reformatted CT and MR
images in your report with
AngioCARD’s dedicated image
interface window.
Preview and sign off on the report,
including export features and
printing specifications, with the
Preview Report window.
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