Helping you to achieve your lower dose needs – GE Healthcare Optima CT540 User Manual
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Helping you to achieve
your lower dose needs
Dose reduction with ASiR is combined
with GE Healthcare’s proven OptiDose*
technologies that deliver dose reduction
at the source.
It includes 3D modulation, which
automatically adjusts the mA as you scan
along the x-y-z axes, and pre-patient
collimation to block X-rays not needed for
the image and optimize the beam width
to improve geometric dose effi ciency.
Color-coded pediatric protocols provide
intuitive management of pediatric exams,
categorizing children into one of eight
colored categories based on their weight
and size so clinicians can select the right-
sized scan technique. The easy-to-archive,
DICOM-structured dose report is generated
after every scan, providing dose parameters
and a clear summary of how the procedure
was performed.
Volumetric Image Space Reconstruction
(VISR) are 3D fi lters that reduce image noise
(standard deviation) without compromising
spatial resolution to provide clear
visualization in neuro and cardiac imaging,
to deliver diagnostic image quality with
potentially lower mA.++
Dose check
Prior to starting the scan, Dose check
provides tools to notify and alert the
operator setting the scan parameters
whether the estimated dose index is above
user-defi ned notifi cation values. The Dose
check feature is designed to comply with
the NEMA XR-25-2010 standard.