GE Healthcare StarMap 4.0 User Manual
Starmap 4.0, Ge healthcare

Clinical reports for analyzing MR
multi-echo fast gradient images.
GE Healthcare
StarMap 4.0 is a post-processing
technique that helps evaluate iron
content in the heart and liver. StarMap
4.0 includes a variety of tools to
streamline workflow and enables you
to generate comprehensive reports.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is increasingly used as a non-
invasive alternative for assessing iron levels in the liver and as a more
accurate way to determine iron burden in cardiac tissue. Used
primarily to follow organ overload in β-thalassemia patients and
patients with hemochromatosis, MRI can also be used to assess
patients with other iron overload conditions such as sickle cell
Accurately assessing and reporting the results of these studies to
referring physicians is an essential part of developing an effective
therapy protocol.
Analyzes multi-echo fast
gradient echo images and
generates T2* curves, R2* color
maps and associated reports.
Supports multiple ROIs.
Displays T2* decay curves
within the region of interest
Quantifies T2* times or R2*
values for pixels within the
region of interest (ROI).
Integrated, easy to use
advisory panels help you
through the analysis process.
Customize and edit reports.
Generate movies and still
images in jpeg, tiff, png, avi,
and DICOM secondary capture.
StarMap 4.0
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