GE Healthcare Valve Planning Protocol User Manual

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Lets you visualize vessel tortuosity.

Enables you to determine
calcification load to validate left or
right vascular pathways.

Lets you segment the aorta for
better visualization, and to
ascertain aorta diameter and
valve-to-ostia measurement.

Automatically segments

Lets you visualize both iliac artery
diameter and profile.

Lets you define the valve plane by
contouring the aortic annulus and
deposit 3D marks on the 3D
volume to locate coronary ostia or
other areas of interest..

Gives you automatic C-Arm
angulation perpendicular to the
valve plane.

for the purpose of TAVR/TAVI
planning This software is designed to
support the physician in assessment
of vessel analysis, pre/post stent
planning and directional vessel
tortuosity visualization.
VesselIQ Xpress automatic
visualization tools provide the users
with the capabilities to facilitate
segmentation of bony structures for
accurate identification of the vessels.
Once vessels are visualized, tools are
available for sizing the vessel, the
valve annulus, and visualize the

Regulatory Compliance

This product complies with the
European CE Marking regulation for
Medical Devices Directive: Directive
93/42/EEC, dated 14 June 1993.

Lets you export the 3D CT images
to the cathlab through Innova
HeartVision for real time fluoro

With the AW Workstation, access
to 3D models based on CT or
angiography dataset is available in
the cath lab.

Dedicated cath lab user interface
allows tableside control of 3D

System Requirements

AW Workstation
VolumeShare 5 (voxtool.11.3) or

VesselIQ Xpress.

Indications for Use

Valve Planning protocol of VesselIQ
Xpress is intended to provide an
optimized non–invasive application
to analyze vascular anatomy and
pathology and aid in determining
treatment paths (TA, TF, TAo,
Subclavian) from a set of Computed
Tomography (CT) Angiographic

Valve Planning protocol of VesselIQ
Xpress is a post processing
application option for the Advantage
Workstation (AW) platform, CT
Scanner or PACS stations, which can
be used in the analysis of 2D and 3D
CT Angiography images/data derived
from DICOM 3.0 compliant CT scans

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