Cardiq fusion, Dynamic ava image, Vessel label image – GE Healthcare CardIQ Fusion User Manual
Page 3: Coronary vessel image
CardIQ Fusion* -1
Dynamic AVA Image
Dynamic AVA
Ability to add new vessels into the analysis with a
single point deposit of a vessel at any time.
Real-time tracking of the center line with instant
visualization of a unfolded view for quick
inspection of the vessel
Capability to launch vessel analysis tools
subsequent vessel Tracking
Quick AVA
Capability to perform vessel analysis from any
3D, or reformat images by a single or dual point
With a single point deposit, automated extraction
of the vessel and launches vessel analysis for
quick review of a vessel in a curved reformat,
cross-sectional, lumen and MRP view
Ability to extend tracking proximally or distally
for full view of the vessel
In the case of a lesion, ability to analyze this
section of the vessel, by dropping one point
above and below the lesion and launching the
vessel analysis tool
- Ability to launch Quick AVA feature at any time.
Vessel Label Image
Vessel Label Data Base
New data base of vessels names for each
protocol for easy correction or addition of a
vessel label
Right click on the vessel name for the list of the
vessel names per anatomy
Ability to add vessel names into the data base
Coronary Vessel Image
Coronary Vessel Analysis
A semi-automated coronary vessel analysis tool
(CVA) based on the Advanced Vessel Analysis
(AVA) technique allows the users to track, extract,
visualize and measure coronary arteries (physical
dimension and stenosis sizing) from either single
or multiple cardiac phase image data sets
Curved, oblique, longitudinal and cross-sectional
reformatted fused views of individual vessel can
be generated
Current state of tracking points within vessel
analysis may be saved for future review and/or
manipulation of the images.
Generate and save rotational movies from
Curved planar reformation and cross-sectional
(lumen) views
Generate and save movies from Best L Section
Reformatted images
Quantitative or qualitative coronary vessel
assessment on user-selected vessel segments.
These measurements are:
- Distance measurement
- Cross-sectional area
- Single or Dual Reference point comparison
- Relative percentage stenosis
- Volume measurement
- Mean diameter
CardIQ Fusion* software provides semi-
automatic registration within FusionQC protocol.
For optimized image review, the CardIQ Fusion*
software automatically displays the heart in
predefined views. Images are displayed in the
Short Axis
Horizontal Long Axis
Vertical Long Axis
Single phase images can be loaded into the
cardiac reformat protocols
With a single click the reformat images can be
viewed in standard cardiac cath views for quick
and easy review of the coronary arteries
LV Epicardium QC
CardIQ Fusion*