Blue Ox BRK2504 User Manual
Blue Ox For the car

© 2010
Blue Ox Division, Automatic Equipment Mfg. Co. • One Mill Road, Industrial Park
Pender, Nebraska 68047 • Phone 402-385-3051 • Fax 402-385-3360 •
Installation Instructions
Serial No.
Open the "Claw" and place it on the brake pedal. Note: The easiest way is to place the bottom of the claw
under the pedal first, then slide the top of the claw over the top of the pedal.
This claw is designed to be used with the Patriot
primarily when it is installed in where the top section of the
claw does not fit around the support holding the brake pedal.
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405-0136 Rev. A
Parts List
Ref. No. Qty. Part No.
1 1 62-3747 ............................................................CLAW, 4" SUB ASSEMBLY PATRIOT
2 1 290-0329 ....................................................................................CLAM SHELL, WIDE
3 1 292-1216 ....................................... CLAM SHELL BORDER/BACKGROUND SHEET
4 1 292-1772 .................................................... LABEL, 1X3 CLAM SHELL (BAR CODE)
5 1 405-0136 ......................................................................................... INSTR, BRK2504