Lift & carrier initial information

© 2004
Blue Ox Division, Automatic Equipment Mfg. Co. • One Mill Road, Industrial Park
Pender, Nebraska 68047 • Phone 402-385-3051 • Fax 402-385-3360 •
The following information is for customers that are inquiring about the installation of any lift, or carrier
onto their motorhome. The following information is to help determine if the install is possible onto
their motorhome.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure the rear tires of the motorhome have enough capacity to withstand the
extra weight that will be applied when motorcycle lift or carrier are installed.
Questions will come up such as, "Will the lift or carrier fit on any motorhome."
The answer to this question is NO, all the lift and carrier systems were designed for installation onto a
Class "A" motorhome. There are two categories of class "A" motorhomes, these are:
Class "A" Diesel Pushers
The lift or carrier systems will install on most Class "A" Diesel Pushers. It is highly recommended to
bolt the mount plates directly to the C-channel frames coming from the front of the coach. These
frames will have the most support for mounting lifts or carriers. NOTE: New mount plates may have
to be designed to fasten to the C-Channel frames.
Class "A" Gas Engines
Certain questions need to be answered before a lift or carrier can be installed on the motorhome.
1. Does the "original" frame of the chassis extend all the way to the rear of the motorhome without
welded on extensions? Some manufacturers will add a smaller extension to the last 4 - 6 feet of the
coach. Welded on extensions WILL NOT hold the weight that will be applied to them, which is
usually about 900 to 1550 depending on what model lift or carrier the customer is interested in.
Also, the motorcyle weight will cause this overall weight to vary.
2. What is the GVWR of the rear axle on the motorhome? The frame may be able to hold the
weight, but the axle may not be able to. Get the information from the customer and fill out
the "Added Weight" form to determine the exact weights being added to the rear axle.
Simply plug in the three figures into the supplied formula, and it will tell you how much
added weight will be applied to the rear axle. NOTE: Air bags may need to be added to
the rear axle.
Class "C" Gas Engines
These coaches usually do not have the suspension to accept any of Blue Ox's line of lifts
or carriers.
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