POPCORN HOUR C-300 User Manual
Page 74

14.5.1 Setting up NZBGET
In the root of your hard disk you will find a folder called .nzbget. Inside this folder you will find two
files: nzbget.conf and unpak.sh.
IMPORTANT: Some FTP clients may hide this folder because it begins with a dot. On UNIX systems,
files or folders that begin with a dot are hidden from normal directory listings. If you cannot see the
folder, find an option on your client that will show hidden files or try to type in the folder name.
You can open and edit nzbget.conf with a UNIX format capable text editor.
In the text editor, fill in the information you got from your Usenet provider:
# Host-name of news server:
(Put the server name behind the = )
# Port to connect to (default should be set to 119 if not specified):
# Username to use for authentication (change USERNAME to the name supplied by your Usenet
# Password to use for authentication (change PASSWORD to the password supplied by your
Usenet provider):
# Maximum number of simultaneous connections to this server:
Once completed, save the file to the same place and restart the Usenet service in the NMT Applications
menu (Setup > NMT Applications).