Using the map buttons, Browsing the map by touching the screen, Browsing the map by – Garmin nuvi 3790T User Manual

Page 22: Touching the screen

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nüvi 3700 Series Owner’s Manual

Finding Locations

Using the Map Buttons

1. From the main menu, touch

Where To? > Browse Map.

2. Touch anywhere on the map.

Touch and to zoom in

and out.
Touch to switch between

2D and 3D views.
Touch to rotate the view.

Browsing the Map by

Touching the Screen

Touch an area on the map to

select a location.
An information box appears

next to the location.
Touch and drag the map to

view different parts of the

Tap the map twice to zoom in

and center on a location.

Touch two points near the

center of the map and drag

your fingers apart to zoom in.
Touch two points near

opposite edges of the screen

and drag your fingers toward

the center of the screen to

zoom out.
Touch and drag two fingers

down the map to move from

an aerial view to a birds-eye

Touch and drag two fingers up

the map to move from a birds-

eye view to an aerial view.
Touch and drag two fingers

right or left to rotate the map.