Introduction – Garmin GPS 40 User Manual

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GPS Overview

How Does GPS Work?

1. A constellation of satellites transmit signals to earth, containing precise

position and time information for each satellite.

2. Your GPS unit searches for these sig-

nals, and ‘locks on’ to as many as
eight satellite signals for con-
tinuous tracking.

3. Once the receiver is

locked onto a set of
signals, it can determine
how far away each satellite
is by measuring the time it
takes to receive each signal. By
knowing the distance and position of
3 or more satellites, the GPS receiver
can then calculate your position by using
a technique called satellite ranging. This
calculation, or triangulation, simply mea-
sures your position in reference to a set
of known objects (the GPS satellites).

4. As the GPS receiver tracks satellites, it

will continuously update your position
and provide track and speed information
while you’re moving.

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