Messages – Garmin NavTalk User Manual

Page 119

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No RTCM Input - Beacon receiver is improp-

erly connected or baud rates do not match.

No Service - You are out of your phone

service cell or there is interference block-

ing the cell signal, phone mode turned

off or unit is scanning..

Off Course Alarm - You are left or right

of course, beyond the limits set on the

Alarms submenu

Oscillator Needs Adjustment - The

NavTalk has detected excessive drift in

its internal crystal oscillator which may

result in longer acquisition time. The

unit should be taken to an authorized

GARMIN dealer.

PhoneBook Memory Full - There is no more

space to enter new names in the PhoneBook.

Poor GPS Coverage - The NavTalk cannot

acquire the necessary number of satellites to

compute a position. Try another location with

a clearer view of the sky.

Power Down and Re-init - The NavTalk

cannot calculate a position due to abnor-

mal satellite conditions.Turn power off

and use other means to verify the last

position shown. Try the unit again later,

possibly in a different location.

RAM Failed -The NavTalk has detected

a failure in its internal memory. If the

message persists, the NavTalk is unusable

and should be taken to an authorized

GARMIN dealer.

Received Invalid Waypoint - A way-

point was received during upload trans-

fer that has an invalid identifier.

GPS Receiver Failed - A failure in

receiver hardware has been detected. If

this message persists, do not use the

NavTalk. Take it to an authorized

GARMIN dealer.

ROM Failed - The permanent memory

has failed and the unit is not operable.

Take the NavTalk to an authorized

GARMIN dealer.

Route Already Exists - You have

attempted to name a route with the same

name currently in use with an existing

route. Enter a different name for the


Route Full - You have attempted to add

more than 30 waypoints to a route.

Route Memory Full - Route memory is
full and no additional routes can be added
from another GPS receiver or uploaded
from a PC.
Route Waypoint Deleted - The waypoint
being deleted was part of a route. The
deleted waypoint is removed form way-
point memory and the route.
RTCM Input Failed - DGPS data being
received has been lost. You are no longer
receiving the beacon signal.
Searching the Sky - The NavTalk is
searching the sky for almanac data or the
GPS receiver is in Autolocate mode.
Service Unit Soon - The NavTalk may
require service or repair. Contact
GARMIN Product Support.
Stored Data Lost - All PhoneBook
Entries, phone lists, waypoints, routes,
time, and almanac data have been lost due
to battery failure, or the receiver’s memory
has been cleared. If this condition persists
contact your authorized GARMIN dealer.
Timer Expired - The countdown user
timer has expired.
Track Log Already Exists - The name
selected for the track log is identical to
another track log already stored in memory.
Track Memory Full - You have used all
track log points in the GPS receiver ( It
holds approximately 1900 points in the
active track log) Delete unwanted track
points to make room for new entries.
Transferring Location... - The NavTalk
is sending or receiving a GPS location to
or from another unit.
Waypoint Already Exists - The name
you are entering already exists in the GPS
receiver memory.
Waypoint Memory Full - You cannot
enter additional waypoint information
until old waypoints are deleted.


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