Acura Embedded AcuBrite 15″ User Manual

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User’s Manual


The following instruction is desi
installing Acura products and make
experience will aid in the installa
installation of any electrical or me
equipment as well as any instru
made available prior to beginning
The installer is required to prepare
mechanical needs of the project
interference are addressed. A rev
needs to be checked off and a c
Customer file. All projects requir


ss of

of the project.

Please refer to caution and insta
component or accessory.
In order to receive the best perfo
should be installed in a way that

ating c




possible. Follow up with a Corr

ts or con

All parts, components and accessories a e received and prepared for installation

Areas to receive equipment are clear and free from obstruction

The mounting system selected is

r the apparatus.

Before attaching brackets make sure there are no hidden fluid or wiring obstructions

attaching any wiring be sure that power leads are correctly fused and correctly

will void

ly operate the unit




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gned to assist the technician or customer in the basic steps of

s the assumption that commonsense and previous

n. Safety and caution must always take precedence in the


chanical system. The correct tools, parts, fasteners, saf

ctions, diagrams and schematics must be gathered, revie

he process of installation.

in advance the w

wed or


ork area and see that the electrical or

are in place before starting and that any other possible

iew of the Installation Check List is critical since this list

y sent back to the supplier so it can be atta


ched to the

e the filling out of appropriate forms or else warranty may be

structions are not designed to be ex

The list and/or these In
they are part of a proce


haustive or restrictive

total quality management and will help the installer to be in control

llation guides provided with each piece of equipment,

ance out of a new Acura computer system all components

ows for ease of operation by customer’s trained personnel o





off the following boxes so the undersigned can verify that the

onal. If something is not working as initially configured and

mediately so that the problem can be fixed as promptly as

e Action Report (CAR) where appropriate.

trainer under regular oper
Please take a moment to ch
installation is complete and
tested please inform the in




ditions to watch out for: (Please initial them off as you

Below are some poin


appropriate fo

Use appropriate fasteners and backing as required.

Ensure Power Sources are identified and adequate to operate system without over
taxing available battery reserve. An Amp hour survey should be completed and
additional battery capacity addressed. Power is direct from battery to a distribution
fused block.

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identified (


or –) as well as correct voltage and wire size (12 ga power supply

minimum) Caution: Incorrect connection of wires will affect the electronics and
warranty – (Burnt wiring and blown circuitry is evidence of improper installation)

Fasteners will require lock washers, washers, isolation or proper grounding

Computer is adequately hidden and out of the way yet readily accessible with good

ouch screen is mounted securely to the apparatus.


Touch screen is in a location where desired user/s can comfortab

Unit is fully functional while the engine or radio of the apparatus is running and free of

Connections, components or accessories are no imp


eding the duties of personnel

Factory operating system (locked) and all factory applications are functional

All service personnel and trainers understand the components and wiring for all
applicable systems as well as In-line fuses are accessible and their locations are

Administrative controls for systems are in the hands of trained service personnel

Note: Check twice install once.

sistance call your sales and service representative first for guidance.

For As

_________ ___________________________


Print Name Signature of Chief or Representative Date of sig


_________ __________________________


Print Name Signature of Authorized Installer

Date of signature