ACR&Artex ResQMate User Manual
Page 6

2. Fill out the enclosed registration form and post, fax or email your
form to:
Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand
P.O. Box 30050
Lower Hutt 5040
New Zealand
Phone: +64 4 577 8033 or 0800 406 111
Fax: +64 4 577 8041
Email: [email protected]
NOTE: Do not confuse the registration form with the ACR Electronics
warranty card.
All registration forms will be entered in the 406 MHz beacon registration
database within 48 hours of receipt. The information you provide on the
registration form is used for rescue purposes only.
A confirmation letter, a copy of the actual registration and a proof-of-
registration decal will be mailed to you within two weeks. When you receive
these documents, please check the information carefully, and then affix
the decal to your beacon in the area marked “BEACON DECAL HERE.” If
you do not receive confirmation back in the expected timeframe, call for