Acnodes FPC 7161 User Manual

Page 39

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Se lect this option to quit Se tup withou t making any permane nt changes to the system
configuratio n. Se lect Discard Chan ges from th e Save & Exit men u and press . Select
Ye s to disca rd change s.

It aut omatica lly sets all Set up o ptions to a comp lete set of def ault settings whe n you sele ct this
option. Sele ct Restore Defau lts from th e Save & Exit me nu and p ress .

Se lect th is op tion to save syste m configuration ch anges don e so f ar as User De faults. Select

Sa ve as User De faults from the Save & Exit menu an d pre ss .

It automa tically sets all Set up options to a comp lete set of User Def aults when you select th is
option. Sele ct Restore Use r Def aults f ro m the Sa ve & Exit me nu and p re ss .

Se lect a drive to immed iate ly bo ot that de vice rega rd less of th e current boo t ord er.