Acnodes FPC 7161 User Manual

Page 38

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The Save & Exit me nu a llows users to load you r syste m configuration with o ptim al or fail-safe
def ault values.

W hen you have completed t he system configuration change s, select this option to leave Set up
and rebo ot the compute r so th e new system co nfig uration param eters ca n ta ke effe ct. Se lect
Sa ve Ch ange s a nd Exit from the Exit men u and press . Se lect Ok to save ch anges
and e xit.

Se lect this option to quit Se tup without making any perman ent changes to the system
configuratio n. Se lect Discard Cha nges and Exit f ro m the Exit menu and pre ss . Se lect
Ok to d isca rd change s and exit.

W hen you have completed t he system configuration change s, select this option to leave Set up
and rebo ot the compute r so th e new system co nfig uration param eters ca n take effe ct. Sele ct
Sa ve Chan ges an d Re set from the Sa ve & Exit menu and press . Sele ct Yes to save
change s and reset.


Se lect this option to quit Se tup without making any perman ent changes to the system
configuratio n and reb oot th e co mpute r. Select Discard Change s an d Reset from th e Sa ve &
Exit menu an d press . Sele ct Yes to discard ch anges and reset.

W hen you have completed th e system configuration cha nges, select this opt ion to save
change s. Select Save Cha nges from the Save & Exit menu and press . Select ye s to
save chan ges.