Fpc 7161 – Acnodes FPC 7161 User Manual

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FPC 7161

Industrial Fanless Panel PC

© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc.

All rights reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subject to change without notice. For latest product information,
please visit Acnodes’ web site at

14628 Central Ave,

Chino, CA 91710

tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939

Be fore getting sta rte d, rea d the follo wing important ca utions.


Be su re to groun d yourself to preve nt static ch arge wh en installing t he intern al

com ponen ts. Use a ground ing wrist st rap a nd place all electronic comp onents in any
static-shielde d devices. M ost e lectronic compon ents are sensitive to static electrical
cha rge .


Discon nect th e power cords f ro m FPC7161 be fore makin g a ny insta llatio n. Be sure

b oth the system an d t he external d evice s are turned OFF. Su dden surge of power
cou ld ruin sensitive com ponents. M ake sure the FPC7161 is prope rly groun ded.


Do not o pen t he system

’s to p cover. If opening the cove r f or maintena nce is a mu st, only

a trained t ech nician is allowed to do so. Integ rate d circu its on co mpute r boards are
sen sitive to sta tic electricity. To avoid dam aging chips f rom electro static disch arg e,
o bserve the fo llowin g p re cau tion s:


Before h andling a boa rd or int egrated circuit , touch an unpa inte d portion of the

system un it chassis for a fe w se con ds. This will he lp to discharge an y static
electricity on your bod y.


W hen h andling b oards a nd compon ents, wear a wrist-grounding strap, available

from mo st electronic com ponen t stores.