Acnodes FPC 7161 User Manual

Page 25

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This ch apter provides use rs with d etailed description how to set u p basic syste m con figuration

through th e AMIBIOS8 BIOS se tup utility.

To e nter the setup scree ns, follow t he st eps be low:

Turn on t he co mpute r and press the key im mediately.

Afte r you press th e key, the m ain BIOS setup me nu disp lays. Yo u ca n acce ss t he
othe r setup screen s from the m ain BIOS se tup menu , such as the Chipset and Power m enus.

The BIOS setup/ utilit y uses a key-b ase d naviga tion system ca lled ho t ke ys. Most of the BIOS
se tup utility ho t keys can be used at a ny time du ring the setup n avigation proce ss. The se keys
in clude , , , , keys, an d so on.


Left/Righ t

T he Left and Right keys allow you to select a setup screen.


T he U p and Down k eys al low you to sel ect a setup sc reen or
s ub-screen.

+- Plus/Minus

T he Plus and Mi nus keys all ow you to change the fi eld value of a
particul ar setup item .


T he key al lows you to select setup fiel ds.


T he key allows you to dis play the general help sc reen.


T he key allows you to load previous values.


T he key allows you to load optim ized defaul ts.


T he key allows you to save any changes you have made and exit

s etup. Press the key to save your changes.


T he key allows you to discard any changes you have made and exit
the s etup. Press the key to exit the setup without s aving your
c hanges.


T he key allows you to di spl ay or change the setup opti on listed for a
particul ar setup i tem. The key can also allow you to di spl ay the
s etup sub- sc reens .