Network printing functions for clients – Edimax Technology PS-1206P User Manual
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can direct ly p rint to t he p rint ser ver f rom a ny of its ins talled
Ne twor k Pr in t in g F u nct io n s f or Clien t s
Windows NT Server
NetWare Server
Windows 98
Windows NT
Wor kstation
Windows 2000
Print Server
Client User
Common opera ting s ystems for clie nts are c lassified as
follo wing :
Windows 95 /98/Me /NT/2000/XP/2003
Our pri nt ser ver s ystem pro vides PTPP (Peer- to-Peer
Printing ) dri ver a nd utilities fo r Wi ndows
95/98/Me/ NT/2000/XP/2003 users. PTPP (Peer -to-Peer
Printing ) s upports TCP/ IP protoco l.
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