Edimax Technology PS-1206P User Manual
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1.5 Con ten t s o f the User ’s M an u al
Chapter 2 e xplains pri nt se r ver’s hardwa re ins tallatio n a nd
config uratio n. It is st rong ly recomme nded fo r yo u to read.
The fo llo wing c hapters int roduce :
Chapter 3 . Windo ws Peer- to-Peer Netwo rk
Chapter 4 . Windo ws NT/2000/2003 Ser ver-Based Net work
Chapter 5 . Ne tWare Net work
Chapter 6 . UNIX S yste m Net work
You ma y select t he appropriate c hapters a nd sectio ns to
read depending on yo ur ne twork pri nti ng’s require ment.
Chapter 7 a nd c hapter 8 introd uce p rint ser ver’s
manageme nt a nd co nfig uratio n utilities o n Windo ws a nd
Web Browser’s e nviro nme nt respecti vely. Yo u ma y se lect
the appropriate ma nageme nt utilit y according to t he
administrator’s co mp uter plat form .
Chapter 9 introd uces Print Ser ver’s IPP Printing f unction
and set up proced ure. The IPP Printing pro vides a
conve nient wa y to print doc ume nts across t he Inter net b y
the IPP protoco l.
Chapter 10 introd uces how to dea l wit h the proble m t ha t if
yo u ca n’t find a ny pri nt ser ver listed o n t he “A vailab le
Ports” i n “ Net work Por ts Q uick Set up” i n Wi ndows XP SP2.