Unix system network 6.1 introduction – Edimax Technology PS-1206P User Manual

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6 . U N I X S y s te m Ne tw o r k

6 . 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n

The pri nt ser ver is a vailab le for TCP/ IP pri nti ng b y Unix
LPD (Line Printe r Daemo n) p rotocol. The LPD protoco l
originated wit h Uni x re lease is based o n t he BSD ve rsion o f
Uni x a nd suppo rted under most versions of Uni x.
This c hapter e xp lains how to co nfig ure t he pri nt ser ver for
TCP/ IP operatio n, and how to modify co nfig uratio n fi les o n
yo ur Uni x s yste m to allow pri nting to t he pri nt ser ver . The
config uratio n e xamp les in t his manua l follow t he s yntax fo r
BSD based Unix s yste ms. P lease refe r to t he rela ted
syste m doc ume nta tion for t he co rrect s ynta x o f yo ur
syste ms.
To co nfig ure t he pri nt ser ver for LPD printi ng, perfor m t he
procedures be low:
1. E nable Print Ser ver’s TCP/ IP S upport.
2. Set up Print Ser ver’s IP address.
3. Verif y Print Ser ver’s IP Address.
4. Co nfigure re mote LPD pri nting o n t he host.
5. Pri nt a tes t page.
In t he ne xt sec tions, we will describe t hese fi ve proced ures
step b y step .

6.2 Enable Print Server’s TCP/IP Support
The defa ult configura tion of t he pri nt ser ver is wit h TCP/ IP
support e nabled. Anywa y, you ca n co nfig ure t he pri nt
server to enab le TCP/ IP s uppor t using t he co nfigura tion

6.3 Setup Print Server’s IP Address
The pri nt ser ver m ust have a unique IP address in o rder to
be recogni zed b y t he net work.
You ca n se t up t he IP address o n t he various Uni x s ys tems
using any o ne of t he followi ng met hods:
1. DHCP (D ynamic Host Co nfig uratio n Protoco l)
2. BO O TP (Bootst rap Protoco l)


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