2 advanced settings – Edimax Technology PS-1206P User Manual

Page 72

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Print Server Name, t he name of t he pri nt ser ver . Yo u ca n
use t his na me to identif y t he print ser ve r when yo u are
searching for t he print ser ve r b y t he admi nistratio n a nd
client utilities.

Passw ord,
enter t he passwo rd yo u wa nt to c ha nge to t he
print ser ver. The passwo rd ca n be up to 7 -digit
alpha nume ric for mat. The defa ult pass word is “1234” .

Re-type Passw ord,
enter t he pass word yo u wa nt to c ha nge
to t he p rint ser ve r again.

8.4.2 Adv ance d Se tt ing s

You ca n e nable /disable t he p rinting p rotocols f rom t he
screen. To e nable t he f unc tion, p lease selec t “E nable” ; to
disable the f unc tion, please se lect “Disable”.


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