Features, Earl y access – Xilinx LogiCore PLB PCI Full Bridge User Manual
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PLB PCI Full Bridge (v1.00a)
DS508 March 21, 2006
Product Specification
• Independent PLB and PCI clocks
• 33 MHz, 32-bit PCI bus support
• Utilizes two pairs of FIFOs to exploit the separate master and slave PLB IPIF modules.
• Includes a master IP module for remote PCI initiator transactions, which follows the protocol for
interfacing with the master IPIF module utilizing Xilinx LocalLink protocol. The PLB PCI Bridge
translates the PCI initiator request to PLB IPIF master transactions.
• Includes a slave IP module for remote PLB master transactions, which follows the protocol for
interfacing with the slave IPIF module utilizing Xilinx IPIC protocol. The PLB PCI Bridge translates
the PLB master request to PCI initiator transactions. The SRAM-like interface is utilized at the IPIC
interface for data transfers.
• The PLB IPIF slave attachment has a timer that limits the time for both read and write dataphase
operations to complete. When the timer expires, Sl_MErr signal is asserted. See PLB IPIF Product
Specification for details.
• Full bridge functionality
- PLB Master read and write of a remote PCI target (both single and burst)
- PCI Initiator read and write to a remote PLB slave (both single and multiple).
- I/O read and I/O write commands are supported only for PLB master read and writes of PCI
I/O space as designated by its associated memory designator parameter. All memory space on
the PLB-side is designated as memory space in the PCI sense, therefore, I/O commands cannot
be used to access memory on the PLB-side.
- Configuration read and writes are supported (including self-configuration transactions) only
when upper word address lines are utilized for IDSEL lines. The Configuration Read and Write
commands are automatically executed by writing to the Configuration Data Port Register. Data
in the Configuration Address Port Register and the Configuration Bus Number/Subordinate Bus
Number Register are used in execution of the configuration transaction per PCI 2.2 specification.
• PCI Memory Read Line (MRL) command is supported in which the v3.0 core is a target. MRL is
aliased to a Memory Read command which has a single data phase on the PCI.
• PCI Memory Write Invalidate (MWI) command is supported in which the v3.0 core is a target. The
v3.0 core does not support this command when it is an initiator. MWI is aliased to a Memory Write
command which has a single data phase on the PCI.
• Supports up to 6 PLB devices, in the sense defined by independent parameters and unique PLB
memory space for each device
- Each device has the following parameters: PLB BAR, high (upper) address, memory designator,
and translation for mapping PLB address space to PCI address space. Byte addressing integrity is
maintained by default in all transfers. Address translation is performed by high-order bit
substitution. High-order bit definition can be done with parameters or dynamically via registers.
• Supports up to 3 PCI devices (or BARs in PCI context) with unique memory PCI memory space.
The v3.0 core supports up to 3 PCI BAR.
- Each device has the following parameters: PCI BAR, length, memory designator, and translation
for mapping PCI address space to PLB address space. Byte addressing integrity is maintained by