Xerox DC98CC09 User Manual

Dc tips, Upgrading the windows nt postscript driver, Purpose

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A Publication of the Digital Solutions & Support Centre

Upgrading the Windows NT
PostScript Driver


Two outstanding issues with the NT PostScript print driver for the DC 220/230 family of
printers are:

• Upgrading the driver to a newer version

• Changing server driver defaults from a remote workstation

Versions affected

All versions released before November 1, 1998 are affected. This procedure will also work
with drivers that are expected to be released in the future. Please see the installation
instructions for those particular driver versions for optimum instructions.

Upgrading the driver to a newer version

Installing a newer version of the Xerox printer driver over an existing (older) version may not
successfully remove the old driver. Some symptoms of this problem are unusual default
values (i.e., pink stock instead of white) or some features of the driver not working (such as

The following installation steps are for a PC that already has a DC 220/230 printer driver.
Note that you must upgrade the server drivers first in a client/server environment. See
Glossary for definitions.

Also, be aware that you must perform these steps for each computer (server and client) that
requires the upgraded driver.

1. Record the printer names and ports on the PC for use in later steps.

2. Select [Start], then choose [Settings: Printers].

DC Tips

… for the user

Xerox Document Centre

November 25, 1998

This Document
pertains to these




DC 220/230

DC 240/255/265

DCS 20/35

Issue 1

To successfully
upgrade the NT
driver, you must
follow the steps in
this document
Otherwise, the
driver will not
function properly.