Phaser, 6180mfp color multifunction printer, June – Xerox Phaser 6180 User Manual
Page 2: Go full speed, Print to please, Work hard, print (and copy, scan and fax) easy

n e w s l e t t e r
HOURS: Tues. – Fri., 10:00 – 5:30; Sat. and Sun., 10:00 – 5:00
Horticulture Co-op
& Education Center
is one
of the most widely recognized
fl owers of all time. It emits a
sense of warmth and joy. This
large fl ower blooms in a wide
variety of yellows, pinks, and
even reds. While the most typical
sunfl ower is about 4 feet high
or even higher (some can be 6
feet or more!), some forms of
sunfl ower can be much shorter
and smaller. Sunfl owers love hot
sunlight, so plant them either in
areas of the garden or yard where
they can get about 6 to 8 hours of
good sunlight a day. Since these
beautiful plants can get rather
large, be sure to allow them ample
space apart in the garden when
planting. They do not need too
much water or fertilizer, so as
long as the soil is kept moderately
moist, they should be fi ne. Some
suggest that planting them along
a fence is the best strategy, since
the fence will provide support for
the stalks. There are two forms of
sunfl owers: annual and perennial.
If you choose the latter, remember
that it may take up to two to
three years, in some cases,
before the plant begins
to bloom. These beauties
add a lot of sunshine to
any garden and home.
The large fl ower of the
sunfl ower plant also produces
hundreds of sunfl ower seeds
that make a tasty treat for
neighboring birds.
Tips for Growing
Rebecca Fox
Saturday, May 5th, 9:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m.
Learn everything you need to know to raise a happy
fl ock, including henhouse setup, predator-proofi ng
your coop, nesting boxes, local suppliers and
favorite crops to grow for your chickens. You’ll see
how easy it is to raise chickens and benefi t from
their role in creating healthy organic vegetable
gardens. Get a hands-on tour of Loam’s own chicken
colony, which lives in our community garden.
been serving the region’s
horticultural and gardening
education needs for more
than 10 years. Whether
you’re an urban dweller
who’s just discovered
rooftop gardening or need
some creative projects for
your acreage, we have all
the resources you need.
species of egg
incubation period
The sunflower
Go full speed
Multifunction performance that easily keeps
up with the busy pace of your entire offi ce.
• Fast color at up to
20 ppm lets your entire
workgroup enjoy the
benefi ts of color without
slowing down.
One space-saving device does the work of
four standalone machines, combining power-
ful printing, copying, scanning and faxing.
Black-and-white prints at up to 31 ppm
regardless of your job’s size or complexity,
thanks to a 400 MHz processor and 348 MB
of memory (expandable to 1,408 MB).
A scan speed of up to 7 color or 20 black-
and-white scans per minute lets you quickly
go from paper to digital.
Walk-up fax and LAN fax (fax from the
print PCL driver) delivers up to 400 x 400 dpi
resolution, and includes JBIG compression
technology for faster transmissions.
Print to please
Need to impress? For outstanding print quality,
this device performs beautifully.
• 600 x 600 x 4 dpi resolution delivers an
amazing 16 shades of color per pixel — often
perceived as higher print quality than many
2400 dpi devices.
EA-HG toner technology — with particles
engineered to have uniform size and shape
— gives your printed images superior detail
and clarity. It’s the same high-quality toner
used in our professional graphic-arts color
printers and MFPs.
True Adobe
3™ print language
ensures your jobs are printed accurately every
Color approved solid-color simu-
lations, Xerox color correction technology and
simple calibration tools automatically give
you the right color or let you fi ne-tune colors
for special applications.
Work hard, print
(and copy, scan and fax) easy
From installation to everyday operation, this
device provides a wealth of features to make
offi ce life easier.
Complete installation takes only minutes,
thanks to the advanced Phaser Installer
Check print job status, manage your
fax address book and get quick access to
online support right from your desktop with
IS internal web server.
Professional layout functions like N-up,
Posters, Booklet and ID Card Copy increase
your document options.
Built-in support for Apple Bonjour™
(standard) and included Mac drivers will
please mixed Mac/PC environments.
Instant pop-up messages appear on
your monitor if print issues arise, thanks to
Super-quiet operation makes it offi ce-friendly.
Multiple connectivity choices, such as
Ethernet, USB, parallel and optional wireless,
provide the fl exibility to support diverse work-
groups. Plus, the available multi-protocol net-
work card, which supports DDNS, IPP, WINS,
SSL/HTTP and IPv6, ensures your private data
stays secure in any network environment.
6180MFP Color Multifunction Printer
A value-packed color device for your busy small-to-medium-size business designed
to handle offi ce document demands with speed and precision. It delivers fast printing,
outstanding color quality and unmatched ease-of-use. Plus, advanced copying,
scanning and faxing — all the tools you need to get more work done effi ciently.
Quick Facts
• Print up to 20 ppm color,
31 ppm black-and-white
• 600 x 600 x 4 dpi
• 400 MHz processor
• 60,000 pages/month duty cycle
• 384 MB memory, expandable
to 1,408 MB
• 400-sheet capacity, expandable
to 950 sheets
18.1 x 20.5 x 28.7 in.
460 x 520 x 730 mm
Print / Copy / Scan / Fax
8.5 x 14 in.
ppm color
Make your point
in color, and
customers get it
faster, and retain
it longer