Xerox 5900 production series copiers – Xerox 5900 User Manual

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W e c o u l d n ’ t l e a v e w e l l e n o u g h a l o n e .

We started with the world’s leading line of high-volume copiers, the Xerox
Production Series. And we just couldn’t stop. We added more power and more
control; greater versatility and ease of use; improved economics, and expanded
finishing capabilities.

T h e r e s u l t i s t h e X e r o x 5 9 0 0
P r o d u c t i o n S e r i e s C o p i e r s :

Xerox 5900



Xerox 5900


Xerox 5995


Xerox 5990


They look like incredibly powerful,
fast and sophisticated copiers.
They are all that, and more.
The 5900 Production Series
copiers are the latest and
greatest from Xerox, the
leader in high-speed
document production.

All in a day’s work. At 120 pages per minute
and with powerful paper handling and finishing, the
Xerox 5900i copier gives you the power to get a lot
of work done every day.


Xerox 5900 Production Series Copiers