Horizon international – Xerox FreeFlow DST2 User Manual

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O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t


Horizon International

510 Kuze Ooyabu-cho

Minami-ku, Kyoto 601-8206, Japan





w w w . h o r i z o n . c o . j p / h o m e /
i n d e x _ e . h t m l

P a rtner Level:

S t r a t e g i c


Perfect Binders: BQ-340, BQ-270, Bookletmakers: ColorWorks 2000, SPF-20XII

Horizon also makes a variety of other products: Folders, Trimmers, Collators,

Stitcher /Staplers, Coil Binders, Computer Aided Binding System.


Horizon International Inc. was founded over 50 years ago in the time-honored and

tradition-rich city of Kyoto, Japan. Today, Horizon operates a world-class, ISO 9001 and

14001-certified factory in Biwako, Siga, Japan, the largest facility in the world producing

products for the five major paper finishing operations; folding, collating, binding,

stitching, and cutting. Over 400 Horizon employees are dedicated to the design and

manufacture of top-quality, highly-reliable finishing products.

The 1.5 million square-foot automated facility includes all major production processes;

flexible lines for machining large parts, multiple-function lathes, gear shaping and die

molding, sheet metal stamping and forming, metal plating, chip mounting, robotized

warehouse, plastic injection molding, and more. The Horizon facility also has state-of-art

climate and EMC testing chambers.

This manual is related to the following products: