Chapter 15 isolator and filter power tips, Tip 74 isolator to the max, Chapter 15 – Yamaha DJX-IIB User Manual

Page 52: Isolator and filter power tips, Tip 74, Isolator to the max

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Chapter 15

Isolator and Filter
Power Tips


Isolator to the max!

Play the Isolator in real time! Get the Pattern running, then tweak the knobs to their extreme set-
tings for radical changes to the sound — on the fly!

For example, try cutting back Low and Mid to zero, and bring High up to the max — for a really brit-
tle, tinny sound. Or try boosting Low to the max while taking Mid and High all the way down — for
a boomy, bass-only sound. Or go for the sound of an AM radio by setting Mid to max and cutting
Low and High.

Since the effect of the Isolator controls depends in part on the selected Pattern, you’ll need to do
some playing around. Stick to one Pattern and some of its variations, then experiment with the Iso-
lator to find some hip settings.

For maximum dramatic effect, make these changes as quickly as you can, bringing the knobs up or
down instantly, if possible. Also, rhythm rules — so, make your moves on the downbeat, right in
time! Practice your moves and get them down so you can tweak the sound as you perform!

Brittle, tinny sound

Boomy, bass-only sound

AM radio sound