Xerox 4590 User Manual

Print a file from a client workstation, Copy only, Copy & save (not frequent for most kinko’s jobs)

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Basic Instructions


May 2007


Xerox 4110 / 4590 Copier Printer

“How Do I?” guide for Kinko’s Operators

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Print a file from a client workstation

To print a file from your client workstation:

1. Open the document
2. Select

[File] [Print]

3. From


Print window, select the desired printer.

4. Select your desired print options:

For Windows users - Select [Properties]

Select the [Fiery Printing] tab and your desired print options; then select [OK] repeatedly until job is sent
to printer, OR

Help to obtain specific information on the printing options

For Macintosh users:

Select the desired print options; then select [OK] to send the job to the printer, OR

Help to obtain specific information on the printing options

You may also refer to PostScript User Guide for information

Copy Only

1. Load documents in document feeder or place a document on the document glass
2. Press

[All Services] button (if basic copy screen is not displayed)

3. Select

[Copy > Copy Only]

4. Select desired options
5. Enter desired copy quantity
6. Press


Copy & Save (not frequent for most Kinko’s jobs)

1. Load documents in document feeder or place a document on the document glass
2. Press

[All Services] button (if basic copy screen is not displayed)

3. Select

[Copy > Copy & Save]

4. Select desired mailbox where the data will be saved

If necessary, refer to Create Mailbox in the User Guide

NOTE: Data saved in the internal Mailbox is not permanent – data will be deleted when software is reloaded

5. Use the default document name or create a new one
6. Select any other desired options
7. Enter desired copy quantity
8. Press


Large Volume Copy Jobs (more than 50 pages)

1. Load up to 50 pages in the document feeder and press [All Services] [Copy]
2. Select the method to use (Copy Only, Copy & Save, Save Only).
3. Select the [Job Assembly] tab and then [Large Volume Document]
4. Select

[On] and then [Save]

5. Press

[Start] to begin.