Zonet Technology 802.11 g 54Mbps Wireless LAN CardBus Adapter User Manual
Page 52

Encryption tab
Click the box in front
of Data Encryption
(WEP) to enable the
WEP function. You
can set four different
WEP keys in WEP
Key Entry and specify
one of them to use. If
the box is not
checked, then you
can’t change WEP
related parameters.
Key Length Click the drop-down
menu to select 64
bits or 128 bits. The
128 bits gives a
higher level of
security. The
selection must be the
same between these
two connected
devices. You can see
that as the key length
option is changed,
the number of
available characters
in the WEP Key Entry
field is changed
Wireless LAN CardBus Adapter