Xerox 4050 User Manual

Page 9

background image


file protect, OG 3-7
high-density, OG 3-8
lights, MG A-1
Logic Off, OG 3-7
Logic On, OG 3-7
ready, OG 3-15
Ready To Open, MG B-5


dry, FC 1-10; IP 1-30, 3-6; OG 5-1 to 5-3
overrides, CR 1-25
priority, SA 3-6


data, source, PD 1-1
processing, PD 2-1 to 2-9
processor, PR 3-1
queue, CR 1-4, 1-41 to 1-44
sources, PR 1-8 to 1-9, 2-12

INPUT command, CR 3-8
INSERT command, CR 2-16
insert key, SA 4-1
installation planning checklist, IP 1-3 to 1-5
installation, IP v, 1-1, 1-5, 2-1
instruction labels, PR 2-8

requirements, IP 1-22
SCSI, SA 3-6

Interpress, FC 1-9, 2-19; PR 3-2

decomposer, PR 3-1
definition, CR 1-39
exception page, CR 1-35
font family name, CR 1-51
maps, SA 1-3
master, CR -50

Interpress Font Utility, see IFU


jams, paper, MG B-7 to B-20
JCL, SST transmission, SA A-1
JDE, OG 4-4; PD 1-19
JDL, OG 4-4

coding, PD 1-26
creating, PD 1-25 to 1-26
entry, CR 1-7
JSL file, PD 1-1
level, PD 1-18 to 1-19
name, PD 1-18



automatic, MG B-1 to B-2
offline, MG B-33
online, MG B-32

queue, CR 1-38, 1-44, 1-47
status tracking, CR 1-4
string constants, PD 1-19

Job Descriptor Entry, see JDE
Job Descriptor Library, see JDL
Job Source Library, see JSL
JSL, CR 1-25; FC 2-5; see also commands

compilation, PD 1-41

components, required, PD 1-25
ID level, PD 1-18
PDL commands, PD 1-1

catalog level, PD 1-19
comments, PD 1-19 to 1-20
END command, PD 1-20
JDL name, PD 1-18
replacement hierarchy, PD 1-20 to 1-21
system level, PD 1-18 to 1-19


Kanji, SA 3-4
KEYS command, CR 2-16

commands, PD 1-14; OG 1-11 to 1-12
parameter, PD 1-14
string constants, PD 1-15


label error, CR 1-4
labels, IP 3-6
LANDSCAPE command, FC 1-5, 2-6
landscape, see also page

definition, FC 1-2 to 1-3
density, FC 4-7
FMT6, FC 2-7
font, text block origin, FC 1-11
image registration, FC 1-7 to 1-9


display dialogue, SA 3-4
resident, PR 1-5


image alignment, CR 1-8 to 1-9
safety, OG iii

layout sheet forms, FC 4-2
leader block, MG B-26
LED display, two-digit, OG 3-8

block, PD 2-20
command, PD 1-13
record, PD 1-5 to 1-6

library, PDL commands, PD 1-22

offline, OG 3-16
operator, OG 3-16
ready indicator, OG 3-15
select, OG 3-16


density, FC 4-6 to 4-9
drawing, FC C-3
superimposed, FC 4-8
tables, FC 4-4 to 4-6
types, FC 1-1

LINE command, FC 2-10 to 2-11

definition, PD 3-9
example, PD 3-15

CR=Command Reference

FC=Forms Creation Guide

IP=Installation Planning

OG=Operator Guide

MG=Message Guide

PD=PDL Reference

PR=Product Reference

SA=System Administration Guide

XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS