Western Telematic PLS-345 User Manual
Page 14
3. Access the Command Mode: In order to invoke
commands and display status screens, you must first access
the PLS command mode via Network, modem, or Console
Port (local PC.) For more information, on command mode
access, please refer to Section 5.2.
Network Access: The PLS includes a default IP
Address and Subnet Mask. This allows initial
contact with the unit via network without first
defining an IP address (providing you are
contacting the PLS from another node on the same
subnet.) When installing the PLS in a working
network environment, it is recommended to define
network parameters as described in Section 5.6.
Modem & Console Port Access: Factory set PLS
parameters are as follows: 9600 bps, 8 Data Bits,
One Stop Bit, No Parity. Although PLS parameters
can be easily redefined, for this Quick Start
procedure only, it is recommended that you
configure your communications program to accept
the default parameters.
a) Network Access: Start your Telnet program, then
Telnet to the default PLS IP Address
( For example, on a UNIX system,
the telnet command would be invoked as shown below.
$ telnet [Enter]
After the telnet command is invoked, the PLS Circuit
Status Screen (Figure 3.1) should be displayed,
followed by the PLS> command prompt.
If you wish to contact the PLS from a node that is not
on the same subnet you can either change your PC's IP
address to an address that is on the same subnet as the
PLS (e.g., 192.168.168.xxx), or access the PLS
command mode via modem or Console Port, and define
Network Parameters as described in Section 5.6.
PLS-345 - Physical Layer Switch; User's Guide