Meet the series 93 team, Total – Watlow Electric 93 User Manual
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T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
W a t l o w S e r i e s 9 3
Meet the Series 93 Team
3 Year Warranty
We stand behind our product and are committed to your total satisfaction.
Pictured below are some of the people at Watlow who have worked hard to
bring you one of the finest industrial temperature controllers available today.
Included in the photo are members of the development team, and representa-
tives from our core manufacturing and customer service areas.
Front: Linda Florin, production; Nicole Smith, production; Trish Johnson,
production; Sarah Toraason, human resources.
Second Row: Steve Lubahn, marketing; Craig Dennis, marketing; Arlene
Fox, production; Shawn Cady, production; Kim Page, production; Roger
Ruehmann, applications engineer; Keith Ness, engineer.
Standing: Pam Obieglo, customer planner; Mark Wagner, engineer; Matt
Cyert, production; Dan Johnson, agency coordinator; Mary Koisti, produc-
tion; Joe Seifert, shipping; Penny Roraff, production; Lisa Voelker, engi-
neering technician; Cindy Panek, production; Dean McCluskey, engineer;
John Gabbert, technical editor; Tom Butler, test engineer; Sally Kotschevar,