Setup parameters, In} {`dec} {`c-f} ç – Watlow Electric 93 User Manual

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W a t l o w S e r i e s 9 3

4 . 3

S e t u p

At the top of the Setup Menu the Series 93 displays the user level of operation
in the upper display and the [`LOC] parameter in the lower display.

Press the ‰Advance key and the value of the next parameter appears in the
upper display, and the parameter appears in the lower display.

Lock: Selects the level of operator lock-out as defined below.
Range: 0 to 4

Default: 0

[```0]: All operating parameters may be viewed or changed. Manual opera-
tion is permitted. When in manual operation, percent power is adjustable.
Bumpless transfer to manual mode will occur on sensor break.

[```1] The set point, process value and alarm settings are the only visible
parameters, set point is adjustable in this level. Manual operation and auto-
tune are permitted. When in manual operation, percent power is adjustable.
Bumpless transfer to manual mode will occur on sensor break.

[```2] The set point, process value and alarm settings are the only visible
parameters, set point is adjustable in this level. Manual operation is permit-
ted. When in manual operation, percent power is adjustable. Bumpless
transfer to manual mode will occur on sensor break.

[```3] The set point and process value are the only visible parameters, set
point is adjustable in this level. Manual operation is not permitted.
Bumpless transfer is defeated and outputs are disabled on sensor break.

[```4] The set point and process value are the only visible parameters, set
point is not adjustable in this level of lock-out. Manual operation is not per-
mitted. Bumpless transfer is defeated and outputs are disabled on sensor

Input: Selects the sensor input type. The internal DIP switch must also
match the {`In} parameter. See DIP switch orientation, and see input type
temperature ranges in the following chart.
Range: [```J], [```H] (K), [```t], [```n], [```S], [`rtd], [`r†d],
[`0-5], [`420]

Default: J

Decimal: Selects the location of the decimal point for all process-related data.
This parameter only appears if the [``In] parameter is set to 0-5 or 420.
Make sure the internal DIP switch matches the [``In] parameter.
Range: 0, 0.0, 0.00

Default: 0

Celsius — Fahrenheit: Selects the units of temperature measurement for
the control. This parameter only appears if the [``In] parameter is set to a
thermocouple or RTD input. The default is dependent on the [`dFL] parame-
ter located in the Calibration Menu. Refer to the Appendix.
Range: [```C] or [```F]
If [`dFL] is set to [``SI]: Default: [```C]
If [`dFL] is set to [``US]: Default: [```F]

Range Low: Selects the low limit of the set point. Also used to scale the low
end of the process input. 0.0VÎ (dc) and 4mA represent [``rL] Range Low
for a process input. The process input is linearly scaled between [``rL] and
[``rH]. See the model number and specification in the Appendix for range
values, or refer to the following table.
Range: Sensor range low to [``rh] Range High
Default: Low limit of sensor type for a thermocouple or RTD. -500 for a
process input.






A process input does not
have sensor break protection
or bumpless transfer.


Shaded parameters may not
appear, depending on the
controller’s configuration
and model number.



Changing [``In] sets all
parameters to factory
defaults. Document all set-
tings before changing this


Set the [`LOC] parameter
value as the final step in
programming the Series 93
controller to prevent locking
yourself out of the Operation
and Setup Menu during ini-
tial programming.


Setup Parameters
