Wybron pmn User Manual
Page 12

the gobo is spinning counter clock wise if the second control channel has a
level of 00 - 49%. The display will tell you the gobo is spinning clock wise if
the second control channel has a level of 51% - FL. When the third control
channel has a level of FL and the second control channel has a level of
50%, the display will tell you the gobo is not spinning by showing HLD.
[ /Enter ]
Ver x.x - This tells you the software version installed in the Gobo Changer
set to the channel you are looking at.
[ /Enter ]
Identify - Pressing [ - ] will cause the Gobo Changer, whose status you
are viewing, to initialize.
This menu is used to display and select the starting DMX channel as well as
other operating modes.
Pressing [ - ] at any of the following options will bring up a question mark (?)
behind the option. Pressing [
] and [ - ] will increment and decrement
numbers such as channels or toggle options such as on or off. Pressing
[ /Enter ] will confirm your selection and the question mark will go away.
[ - ]
Chan 001 - This allows you to select the first channel of the DMX channel
block which the Power Supply will respond to.
[ /Enter ]
Mode CR2 - This selects original Coloram 1 (12 channel mode - CR1) or
Coloram II (24 channel mode - CR2). This option must be set to CR1 to
work with original Coloram I Color Changers which have not had the
Coloram II software upgrade.
[ /Enter ]
Tbck OFF - This option turns talkback to a remote status monitor on or off.
Status of the Color Changers or Gobo Changers will still be displayed in
the status menu. If this is turned on, the first channel of the power supply’s
DMX channel block is limited to 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, etc.
[ /Enter ]
Jttr OFF - This option turns the jitter filter on or off. This option may be
necessary for AMX to DMX converters which can have LSB jitter.
[ /Enter ]