Limited warranty for paint, Roll-up doors, On the following wayne-dalton products – Wayne-Dalton DS-75 User Manual

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Limited Warranty for Paint

on the following Wayne-Dalton products

Roll-Up Doors

Model Nos. • DS 50, • DS 75, • DS 100, • DS 200, • DS 350

Interior Systems


Door & Systems Div.

2589 County Road 168

Dundee, OH 44624


• Filler Panels –corrugated and flush
• Cor-O-Doors – corrugated and flush
• Swing Doors – corrugated and flush
• All angle and channel associated
with the interior system

• Roll-Up Frames
• Cor-O-Wall
• Mod-U-Wall
• Locker Doors

• Hallway Soffit
• Entry Soffit
• Burglar Bars

• Mid-Span Brace
• Mullions

A. Party Receiving Warranty.

The following limited warranty covers the paint on the Products listed above, but not paint on any

installation hardware unless expressly included above in the description of the Product. This limited warranty is
extended solely to the party that, at the time the Product is installed, owns the structure where the Product is
installed (“Original Owner”).

B. Basic Coverage.

Owner is hereby advised that paints, including the paint used on the Product, will to some extent change

color and otherwise change appearance over time in outdoor installations and that such changes may not be uniform
between painted surfaces which are not equally exposed or positioned.

Manufacturer warrants, subject to the conditions, limitations, and exceptions specified in this document, that

the paint on the Product will resist normal weathering sufficiently to comply as follows:

(a) for a period for twenty-five (25) years, with the performance standards listed below for film
integrity; and

(b) for the period of years shown for each Product color in Manufacturer’s separate Color Chart,
with the performance standards listed below related to chalking and color change.

In all cases the warranty period runs from the time the Product was manufactured. The performance standards
designated below, under Chalking and Color Change, apply exclusively to Product installed in the northern
hemisphere north of the 15° parallel of latitude; these two standards do not apply if the Product is installed south of
such latitude:

Film Integrity: The paint on the Product will not peel, crack, check, or flake to an extent that is apparent on ordinary
outdoor visual observation.

Color Change: The paint on surfaces of Product installed vertically will not change color more than 5 NBS (Hunter)
units, and surfaces of Product not installed vertically will not change color more than 7 NBS (Hunter) units,
following field installation. The color measurements are to be made per ASTM D 2344 and only on clean surfaces
after removing surface deposits and chalk per ASTM D 3964.

Chalking: Paint on surfaces of Product installed vertically will not chalk more than a number 8 rating, and surfaces
on Product not installed vertically will not chalk more than a number 6 rating, when measured per ASTM D-4214,
Method A.
C. Limitations and Exceptions.