Wayne-Dalton THERMOMARK 5155 User Manual
5155 specifications

Wayne-Dalton Corp. Upward Acting Sectional Doors
5155 Specifications
1.01 Work Included
A) The sectional doors will be Wayne-Dalton (Thermomark
5155) as manufactured by Wayne-Dalton
1.02 Related Work
A) Opening preparation, miscellaneous or structural metal work, access panels finish or field painting,
field electrical wiring, wire, conduit, fuses, and disconnect switches are in the Scope of Work of other
divisions or trades.
2.01 Door Sections
A) Door sections will be of steel/polyurethane/steel sandwich type construction to include a thermal
break and have a calculated "R"-value of 10.96, in accordance with industry guidelines. The exterior
skin of structural quality, .015" (min.) hot-dipped galvanized steel, embossed with pebble grain texture
and features ¼" wide pinstriping, will be factory-finished with baked-on polyester primer and white
polyester finish coats. The interior skin will be .015" (min.) structural quality, hot-dipped, galvanized
steel, factory-finished with a polyester primer and white polyester finish coats. Hinge locations have 20
ga. continuous back up steel strips for hardware attachment and "cut-down" capability. Ends of
sections have full-height 18 ga. (min.) (16 ga. available) hot-dipped galvanized steel end caps. The
void between the interior and exterior skins will be completely filled by foamed-in-place CFC free
polyurethane core. Bottom astragal is a two-piece "bulb" shaped astragal to be attached to the
bottom section. Between section joint seal is standard.
2.02 Track
A) All track, vertical mounting angles and brackets will be commercial quality steel minimum 16 ga.
thickness, hot-dipped galvanized. Track is (2") (3") standard or as specified. Vertical track to be
graduated providing wedge type weathertight closing with (bracket mounting for wood jambs)
(continuous angle mounting for wood jambs) (continuous reverse angle mounting for steel jambs), and
are fully adjustable to seal door at jambs. Horizontal track will be reinforced with continuous angle of
adequate length and gauge to help prevent deflection.
2.03 Hardware
A) Hinge & Roller Assembly - All hinges and brackets will be made from hot-dipped, galvanized steel.
Track rollers will be case-hardened inner steel races with 10-ball, (two-inch roller) (three-inch roller).
All factory authorized attachments will be made at locations indicated and reinforced with additional
backup plates.
2.04 Counterbalance
A) Springs will be torsion type, low-stress, helical wound, oil-tempered spring wire to provide minimum
10,000 cycles of use - or meet specified cycles - on continuous steel shaft; (solid CRS). Spring fittings
and drums will be made of die cast, high-strength aluminum. Pre-formed galvanized steel aircraft
cable shall provide a minimum of a 5:1 safety factor. (Long life springs of 25,000, 50,000 or 100,000
cycles may be specified and are recommended for high usage doors).
Note to specifiers: Words in parenthesis indicate options that need to be specified.
08360/WAY - BuyLine 0261