Declaration of rohs compliance – VIEWSONIC VOT550 User Manual
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ViewSonic VOT550
Declaration of RoHS Compliance
Ths product has been desgned and manufactured n complance wth Drectve
2002/95/EC of the European Parlament and the Councl on restrcton of the use
of certan hazardous substances n electrcal and electronc equpment (RoHS
Drectve) and s deemed to comply wth the maxmum concentraton values ssued
by the European Techncal Adaptaton Commttee (TAC) as shown below:
Proposed Maximum Concentration Actual Concentration
Lead (Pb)
< 0,1%
Mercury (Hg)
< 0,1%
Cadmum (Cd)
< 0,01%
Hexavalent Chromum (Cr6+)
< 0,1%
Polybromnated bphenyls (PBB)
< 0,1%
Polybromnated dphenyl ethers
< 0,1%
Certan components of products as stated above are exempted under the Annex of
the RoHS Drectves as noted below:
Examples of exempted components are:
1. Mercury in compact fluorescent lamps not exceeding 5 mg per lamp and in other
lamps not specifically mentioned in the Annex of RoHS Directive.
2. Lead in glass of cathode ray tubes, electronic components, fluorescent tubes,
and electronc ceramc parts (e.g. pezoelectronc devces).
3. Lead n hgh temperature type solders (.e. lead-based alloys contanng 85% by
weght or more lead).
4. Lead as an allottng element n steel contanng up to 0.35% lead by weght,
alumnum contanng up to 0.4% lead by weght and as a cooper alloy contanng
up to 4% lead by weght.