Odd operating, Writing to a disc, Removing a disc – VIEWSONIC VOT550 User Manual

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ODD Operating

ViewSonic VOT550


Writing to a Disc

Ensure that the dscs you create do not volate copyrght laws.
1. Follow the steps n the “Insertng a dsc” secton.
2. When prompted, choose the desired program to record files to the inserted
rewrtable (RW) dsc.
3. Follow the on screen nstructons to complete the copyng process.

Note: If no wndows appears on the desktop, clck “Start”, select “Programs”,

and then select the desred software to wrte to the nserted dsc. For more
nstructons about the selected software, please see ts manual or onlne help.

Removing a disc

1. Ensure the optcal dsc drver ndcator s off.
2. Press the Eject button on front panel.
3. Remove the dsc.

Note: Alternatvely, you may double-clck My Computer, rght-clck the dsc drve con,
and then select “Eject” from the menu.