Setting bios, How to use phoenix-award bios setup program – VIEWSONIC VOT550 User Manual
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Setting BIOS
ViewSonic VOT550
After pressng “Delete” button, you wll see the followng BIOS setup menu:
How to Use Phoenix-Award BIOS Setup Program
Generally, you can use arrow keys to hghlght the optons that you want to choose,
change settng values. You can press
The followng table provdes detals about how to use keyboard whle changng the
settngs n the BIOS.
Page Up or +
Change settng to next value or ncrease the value.
Page Down or -
Change settng to prevous value or decrease value.
Select the tem.
In man menu: Qut wthout savng any changes.
In sub menu:
Ext current menu to man menu.
Up Arrow
Hghlght prevous tem.
Down Arrow
Hghlght next tem.
Left Arrow
Move the hghlght to left sde of menu.
Rght Arrow
Move the hghlght to rght sde of menu.
Load Setup Default settng value from CMOS.
Load turbo settng value from CMOS.
Save changed settngs and ext setup program.
Note: Because BIOS code has been updated from tme to tme to meet the latest
customers requrements the BIOS nformaton contaned n ths manual may
look slghtly dfferent from the BIOS messages, whch comes wth your system.