Ultimate Products SGX User Manual

Page 18

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E. BURNER NER/ELECTRODE ASSEMBLY – Inspect the burner/electrode
assembly by removing the six screws securing the combustion chamber cover
plate to top of

control box, taking care not to damage the sealing gasket.

Remove the burner head by unscrewing it from the injector taking care not to
drop it on the leads of the ignition electrodes. Replace the electrode assembly if it
is not in good condition. The assembly is removed by removing the screws which
attach it to the bracket on the front wall of the combustion chamber. The
assembly is then lifted out of the combustion chamber and the cable
disconnected. If the electrode assembly is in good order check the spark
electrode gap, this should be .125 inches ±.030 inches. Adjust the gap if
necessary by bending the ground rod. Ensure the electrical connections are

Inspect the injector a nd clean as necessary using a soft bristle brush. To remove
or replace the injector, with the burner head removed, unscrew the injector from
its carrier using a wrench, on the hexagon portion of its body. When replacing the
injector ensure that it is fully tightened in its carrier. (TIGHTEN SNUG -- DO NOT

Replace the burner head. Replace the combustion chamber top cover, renewing

the rubber sealing gasket if this is not in good condition.

Inspect the burner fresh air inlet duct if fitted and ensure that it is free of any

blockage or obstruction. Inspect the air inlet terminal and ensure this is not

liable to obstruction.

Recheck the heater by following the procedure for check out and start up,

taking care to check that the burner gas pressure is correctly set, and that the

vacuum switch and flame safeguard equipment function correctly.

F. AUXILIARY CONTROLS – Check that auxiliary controls such as room
thermostats, time switches, etc. function correctly and are set to operate at the
desired temperatures. Ensure that the user is aware of the functions of the
auxiliary controls and their correct settings. For most efficient operation of the
heating system the time switch, if fitted, should be set to switch on normally
between ¼ hour and 1 hour before commencement of occupancy of the building
depending on local conditions. The correct setting of the room thermostat can
only be determined by experience in cold weather when it should be set to shut
off the heaters when a comfortable level of warmth has been achieved. This
setting will normally be several degrees below that which would be required with
a convective heating system.

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