Ultimate Products SGX User Manual
Page 13

2319 Laurelbrook Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 · (800) 542-7221 · FAX (919) 834-4526 · www.ultimate-products.com
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A. 8
(1) UNVENTED UNITS: Heaters may be installed without a flue providing the
governing building codes are met and that consideration is properly given to
possibilities of condensation on cold surfaces.
Installation shall meet the following requirements when unvented:
(A) Internal volume of the heated room must be greater than 214 cu. ft. per
100 BTU/HR of heaters installed.
(B) Natural or mechanical means shall be provided to supply and exhaust at
least 4 CFM per 1,000 BTU per hour input of installed heaters.
(C) Combustion gases shall not impinge on combustible materials with a
temperature in excess of 150° F.
(D) The blower discharge must be horizontal.
(2) VERTICAL VENTING: The heater may be installed with a vertical flue. A
down vent elbow must be fitted to the induced draft fan exhaust outlet, which
should be rotated to a vertical position.
A vent elbow designed to accept a 6 -inch nominal sheet metal flue pipe is
available as an optional extra.
All flue piping should be adequately supported from the building structure and
terminated with an approved terminal. The maximum flue length is 30 ft. with
a maximum of two bends. All connections should be properly sealed.
Generally, terminal may be located horizontally a dimension equal to its
vertical dimension.
(3) HORIZONTAL VENTING: Individual units may be vented horizontally
through side walls. Venting must be installed in accordance with ANSI
Z2223.1 (NFPA-54) and local codes.
Maximum length of vent is 25 ft. with 2-90 degree long radius elbows.
Runs of 12 ft. or shorter can use 4-inch diameter flue with Ultimate Products
part number V0200.
Runs over 12 ft. should use 6 -inch dia. flue pipe. Any portion of flue that
passes through a combustible wall must be insulated or use an approved
insulating thimble.
Recommended parts are Ultimate Products’ (Part # V-0200) for 4-inch flue
and (Part # V-0800) for 6-inch flue. Standard vent terminals must extend at
least 6-inches from the wall and at least 24-inches from any combustible
overhang. Protect the building material from degradation by flue gases.