Welcome – TerraTec Audio User Manual
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We're pleased that you've chosen a TerraTec product and would like to congratulate you on
your decision. This attractive playback module provides convenient access to audio libraries
within your home network, and to a vast number of online radio stations on the Internet.
The NOXON audio
Media library. This device integrates easily in your existing wireless network (wireless LAN,
WLAN or WiFi) and supports both 802.11b and 802.11g standards. Simply add a media server
to your network and your complete collection of MP3 and WMA audio files will be available
anywhere in your home. Needless to say, the more powerful the transmitter performance of
your router, the greater the range will be.
Always online. The NOXON is an ideal complement to your DSL or other broadband Internet
connection. With a flat-rate connection, you can use the NOXON to enjoy the wide selection of
MP3 radio stations on the Internet, regardless of whether you access the Internet via your
desktop, laptop or router. And to make sure you never lose your overview, choose the hottest
stations from the convenient list updated daily by the VTuner Premium Service.
Hand and glove. The NOXON not only has a fixed MAC address, but it also supports WEP en-
cryption and proxy servers to ensure a long and happy integration in your network. Don't worry
if these terms don't mean anything to you right now—we'll walk you through the setup on the
following pages so that you'll be up and running in no time, even as a network newbie.
NOXON Audio (English)