TerraTec Audio User Manual

Page 11

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Double-click the network connection you
will be using, followed by “Properties” to
open its settings. Go to the “Wireless Net-
works” tab for an overview similar to the
one shown here.

Some wireless adapters provide these
functions via their own software, in which
case you should find comparable instruc-
tions in its documentation. Alternatively,
you can put a check next to “Use Windows
to configure my wireless network set-
tings”—if you know what you're doing.

Switch to the “Advanced” tab (not the
“Advanced” button, we'll come to it later)
and ensure that your settings are as they
are shown here.

Switch back to the “Wireless Networks”
tab and click the “Advanced” button. The
dialog box shown here will open. Choose
“Computer-to-computer (ad hoc) networks
only” and click “Close” to exit the dialog

ReceiverSystem NOXON Audio (English)