Timex Expedition WS4 User Manual
Page 14

The WS4
watch includes an accurate digital compass that takes a reading
every second when engaged and shows the compass reading as a number and
a cardinal heading along with a virtual compass needle. You must calibrate the
compass prior to first use and it’s also a good idea to calibrate it periodically to
maintain more accurate readings. For more information, see Calibration Mode
on page 36.
Calibrating the Compass
When using the compass, it’s important to keep your wrist at a level, horizon-
tal position to help make compass readings more accurate.
For the most accurate readings, avoid calibrating the compass near large
metallic objects (such as electronics, cars, filing cabinets, and
anything else metal) since magnetic force in these objects may
interfere with the magnetic field and give you inaccurate
compass readings. Note that the Indiglo
night-light feature
does not work while calibrating the compass.
Prior to calibrating the compass, remove the watch from your wrist, hold it in
your hand and choose a declination angle from the table on the next page.
NOTE: At low temperatures, the display could appear sluggish. Refer
to page 9 for operating temperature range. Increase temperature
surrounding watch to resume normal operation.
NOTE: For more accurate temperature readings, try wearing the
watch outside your jacket or clipping it to your belt or pack (ideally
in an area not constantly exposed to the sun). You can also remove
the watch from your wrist and put in shade for 15 to 30 minutes.
For information on calibrating your weather icon see Calibration Mode on
page 36.
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