Timex M851 User Manual
Timex usb datalink sdk, Getting started with the

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Getting Started with the
Timex USB Datalink SDK
Introducing the Timex USB Datalink Wristwatch
The Timex USB Datalink Wristwatch, known internally by Timex as the model M851, features a watch
platform that can be configured by a PC and can upload and download through a standard USB port. The watch
has 14 slots available for applications which you can choose according to your requirements. Want a business
watch for the week? Configure the watch with appointment and contact applications. Running this weekend?
A choice of a 200-lap chronograph and an interval timer can make the event worthwhile. No need to write
down the stored laps and manually enter the data in the computer. The upload features of the PIM can do that
for you.
The watch provides built-in applications that address the needs of general watch users for business and sports.
Examples would be : Chronograph, Countdown Timer, Interval Timer, Synchro Timer, Alarm, Appointments,
Occasion, Contacts (phonebook), Schedule and Notes. WristApps (custom applications you can download to
the watch) are also available: digital counter, pulse, demo, games, and world time viewer.
But, I would like the watch to do this...
Don’t like the standard PIM? Do you want to customize the configuration software to grab data from other
sources like the internet? Do you need a specific watch based application to serve the needs of your clientele?
Do you want to create a stand alone application that configures the watch for a specific purpose?
The Timex USB Datalink Software Development Kit (SDK) provides four solutions to customizing the
Datalink system.
WristApps. Design custom watch applications using assembly language.
WristApp Configuration Plug-In. Use the built-in watch application and provide a custom PC user
interface to grab data from any source and convert it to the watch database format.
Data Import. Store the data into a comma-delimited format and import it using the standard
configuration interface of the built-in applications.
PIM. Create a custom PC application interface between the user and the watch. Program with Visual
C++ or Visual Basic.