Timex Expedition WS4 User Manual
Page 13

You only need to calibrate the barometer OR altimeter, since they
rely on the same pressure. See Calibration Mode on page 36 for
more information.
In TIME, ALTI, BARO, CHRONO, and TIMER Modes, your WS4
watch includes
information about temperature and forecast.
The watch can predict the weather based on historical air pressure trends.
Generally, if the air pressure is rising, the weather situation is considered to be
improving and is indicated by the sun icon. If the air pressure trend is falling,
then the weather situation is worsening and is indicated by showing the clouds
and/or precipitation icons.
When worn on your wrist, the temperature reading is affected by body heat and
may differ from the actual temperature by 10 degrees or more. Long periods of
exposure to direct sunlight may also affect accuracy. The watch can also mea sure
the temperature in water, but make sure you don’t press any watch buttons under
water or this will compromise the watch’s water-resistance.
• Current barometric pressure and the corrected sea level pressure.
When the watch reaches the current barometric display you can also:
Press START/SPLIT: Displays numeric
current barometer reading or graphic
display of the sea level pressure over
the last 36 hours.
Press and hold STOP/RESET: Reset
accumulated barometer statistics to
zero to clear the memory.
NOTE: The barometer will display in either MB (millibars) or In Hg
(inches of mercury) depending on which display unit you chose in
Time Mode. See page 14 for information on setting units of
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