Class 1.6 (protocol error; e.g. unknown message) – Telos NX12 User Manual

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TeChnICal daTa & TrouBleshooTIng | 87

CLASS 1.5 (invalid message; e.g. parameter out of range)

Cause No. 81 – Invalid call reference value

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a call

reference which is not currently in use on the user-network interface. This value only applies if

the call reference values 1 or 2 octets long and is not the global call reference.
Cause No. 82 – Identified channel does not exist

This cause is sent when the equipment sending this cause has received a request to use a channel

not active on the interface for a call
Cause No. 83

A suspended call exists, but this call’s identity does not
Cause No. 84 – Call identity in use

This cause indicates that a call identity is in use.
Cause No. 85 – No call suspended

This cause indicates that no call is suspended.
Cause No. 86 – Requested call identity cleared

This cause indicates that the call having the requested called entity has cleared.
Cause No. 87 – Destination not a member of CUG

This cause indicates that the address of an outgoing call attempt is not a member of the Closed

User Group.
Cause No. 88 - Incompatible destination

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a request to establish a

call which has low layer compatibility, high layer compatibility or other compatibility attributes

(e.g. data rate, DN subaddress) which cannot be accommodated. This call can also be returned

by a switch to a CPE when trying to route a call to an incompatible facility, or one without data

Cause No. 90 – Destination address incomplete/Non-existent CUG

This cause indicates that the destination address is missing or incomplete
Indicates a non-existent Closed User Group
Cause No. 91 - Invalid transit network selection

This cause indicates that an Invalid transit network selection has been requested.
Cause No. 92 – Invalid supplementary service parameter [VN4 only]

Used to indicate an invalid parameter for supplementary service
Cause No. 95 – Invalid message, unspecified

This cause indicates that the entity sending this cause has received and Invalid message, only

when no other cause in this class applies.

CLASS 1.6 (protocol error; e.g. unknown message)

Cause No. 96 – Mandatory Info missing

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message which is

missing an information element which must be present in the message before that message can