Dgpssk user's guide (taip) – Trimble Outdoors SK8 User Manual

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Lassen-SK8 Embedded GPS Module



GPSSK User's Guide (TAIP)

The TAIP Tool Kit, known as GPSSK is a software package available from Trimble
Navigation to assist users of the Trimble ASCII Interface Protocol (TAIP). GPSSK
supports all Trimble sensors that use TAIP.

GPSSK can be used to setup, diagnose, and monitor your sensor and provides the
following capabilities:

Program the GPS sensor for automatic message reporting and verify the success
of the programming.

Quickly program Vehicle ID numbers into a fleet of sensors.

Log the GPSSK session with the GPS sensor to disk and replay the data.

On-screen plotting of GPS positions from the sensor.

Poll for and view combinations of TAIP messages.

Set different polling intervals for each message type.

Conduct an interactive terminal session with the GPS sensor.


Note – The information about GPSSK in this document is presented as a general
overview. The GPSSK distribution diskette includes a READ.ME file that details the most
current information about GPSSK functions and on loading and using GPSSK.

The GPSSK program does not support the TAIP messages DC and DD. These messages
are used to input differential corrections to the receiver and are defined as special TAIP
format versions of RTCM SC-104 Type 1 and Type 2 messages.

The GPSSK program requires well over 500K RAM. It may not run in a DOS window,
and may require removal of TSRs.


The GPSSK Files

GPSSK is included on the on 3.5 inch DOS formatted GPS Toolkit diskette. The diskette
contains the following GPSSK related files:


The executable GPSSK program


The on-line, context-sensitive help file


Current information about GPSSK


Sample source code for encoding and decoding TAIP